MovoCash Account Updates
MovoCash, Inc. Financial Services are Being Discontinued
Thank you for being a customer of MovoCash. Unfortunately, the service will be discontinued and your bank account will be closed on March 31, 2023. Please review our FAQ for important information and dates.
Your account will be closed on March 31, 2023, and your debit card will be deactivated.
The cash balance in your account can be used or transferred until March 31, 2023.
Please take steps to open another bank account and move your services as soon as you can.
Please change any direct deposits or recurring bill payments connected to your account immediately.
If you have any auto-deductions set up on the account, please change that by March 31, 2023.
Bill Pay information will not be available after March 31, 2023.
We believe your account information will be viewable in the app until March 31, 2023, or when you close the account, however, we strongly recommend that you take action immediately and download any account information you think you may need as soon as possible.
A check for any remaining balance will be mailed by April 15, 2023, to the address on your profile.
We will advise you regarding final statements after March 31, 2023.
Coastal Community Bank is the banking services provider for MovoCash. MovoCash, Inc. is a financial technology company “Fin-Tech”, not a bank. Depository Banking Services are provided by Coastal Community Bank, Member FDIC.
We will update our website Coastalbank.com/movosupport.
We are also available to answer any questions by phone or email:
Email: CCBX_CX@coastalbank.com
Phone: 425-349-9043